7th Marosszék Folk music and dance camp
Sambrias village, Murescounty
10-17 of July 2005
Organiser: Folk Center Foundation
Co-organiser: Local Mayor's Office
Location: Jobbágytelke (Sambrias or Simbrias) village, Mures county, Romania. You can reach the village from Târgu Mures (33 km) or Sovata (36 km) or Reghin (44 km). Map
Activities/Special Events:
Dance lessons:
- Peterlaki dances for advanced level dancers
- Nyárádmagyarósi dances for beginers and advanced level dancers
Instructors: Csaba László, Zsolt László, Elemér Kádár
Folk song lessons, instructor: Magda Kásler
Dance lessons for children, instructor: Béla Imre
Music lessons: learn authentic folk music from nearby villages, specialist: András Vavrinecz
Well- known folk groups will perform:
- CSALÓKA group, ÖVES group, and informant musicians.
- Táncház (free dance) every evening with performances of guest dance groups, musicians, dancers and singers
- Ethnographical Lecturers: László Barabás, Vilmos Tánczos, Vilmos Keszegh, Ferenc Pozsony, Klára Gazda
- Display of traditional crafts
- Handicraft workshop
- Photo exhibition
- Ethnographical movies
- Entertaining activities
- Trip to the „Esztena”
- Folk Pub with live music until dawn
- SurprisesLodging/Food:
- Three meals a day - vegetarian meals available upon request
- Camping facilities available in tents (if you bring with you) or upon request we can arrange accommodation in village houses (you should bring sleeping-bag)
- Hot water
- Kindergarten (children’s playground) available during the classes and other activities
- Medical supervision
Those who are looking for rest should keep away from our camp!